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anniversary workshop program 

the axis syllabus international research community presents

perspectives * practices * developments * fundamentals * practical knowledge  * embodiment of 20 years of research

PHASE I   August 15 - 19

5 day workshops  tuesday - saturday

9:30 to 11:30                         The Great Art of Walking 

Frey Faust (US)                                - eternal source of inspiration and fundamentals of any movement


9:30 to 11:30                         Dialogues Negotiation Compromises

Francesca Pedullà (IT)                - an enquiry on external and internal adaptation of the moving body


9:30 to 11:30                          Your Inner Fish 

Antoine Ragot (F)                             - evolutionary perspective on anatomical function, morphology and mechanisms



11:45 to 13:45                       Moving as Bio-tensegrity 

Kevin o'Connor (CAN)                      - becoming tensegrile / moving with fascia


11:45 to 13:45                       Hands & Shoulders: Supportive Architecture 

Sebastian Grubb (US)                    - applied anatomy of the hand-arm-shoulder complex as dynamic support


11:45 to 13:45                       The Great Art of Walking

Frey Faust (US)                                - eternal source of inspiration and fundamentals of any movement



15:45 to 17:45                       Take a Tangent…To Return Home 

Jérôme d'Orso (F)                           - gravitatiotional effect, joint neutrality, muscle tone, recoil & elasticity


15:45 to 17:45                       Docking Zones and Inter-Kinected Chains 

Daniel Bear Davis (US)               - force transmission in partnered situations



18:00 to 20:00                       Human / Nature

Zoe Solomon (UK)                         - creativity and neurosensory integration


18:00 to 20:00                      Mission Alignment 

BariÅŸ Mihci (T)                               - a review on alignment for dynamic situations

SUMMIT   August 21 - 26

6 days monday - saturday

PHASE II   August 29 - September 2

5 day workshops  tuesday - saturday

9:30 to 11:30                      The Polyrhthmic Body (FULL!)

F. Pedullà (IT)                     relationship between poly-rhythms and the dancing body

& L. Gasperoni (IT)


9:30 to 11:30                   Mixed Movement Arts (FULL)  

Antoine Ragot (F)                     - athletic practices & coordination for high dynamic dancing



9:30 to 11:30                      In Side - Bending (max 15 participants) FULL !

Baris Mihci (T)                             - internal spinal mechanics



11:45 to 13:45                     Spherical Space, Curved Time and Spiraling Journeys (FULL!)

K. Kirsch (D)                                - contact improvisation with live music 

& J. Anzenhofer (D)


11:45 to 13:45                     Brace for Landing (FULL!)

BariÅŸ Mihci (T)                             - tools for jumps without bumps


11:45 to 13:45                     Fragility and stability. Knee-joint. (max 15 participants)

Yulia Dolgova (RUS)                      - zooming into knee anatomy and mechanics --> transforming the whole body



15:45 to 17:45                    Landscape Cartography (FULL)

Lucia Palladino (IT)                       - practice as research / composition in improvisation


15:45 to 17:45                        Syllabus Rising

Frey Faust (US/D)                         fundamental alignment practice / an overview of AS terms and focus areas 



18:00 to 20:00                     Pivot Almighty  (FULL!)

Frey Faust (US)                              - centrifugal force and you


18:00 to 20:00                      4 Dimensions (FULL!)

Jérôme d'Orso (F)                       - exploring the cardinal planes and rhythm




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