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Spinal Tale

A study of possibilities and limitations in the spine.


I think that the spine, it’s health, strength and respectful use, condition our ability to communicate images or stories about ourselves and the environment.

The vertebrae, discs and ligaments of the spine build a complex, continuous chain of harder and more elastic materials that connect head to pelvis. Although relatively delicate, when it is used with care the spine offers us a wide variety of options on how to move both axial ( head to pelvis) and appendicular body (arms and legs). The management of the axial body seems particularly relevant for respecting the articular well-being and efficient use of the arms and legs, a basis for integrated self-expression.

In this workshop I would like to offer elements of my own practice and research into the respectful, conscious use of the spine. I will of course use movement and dance as a means to explore, and propose improvisational scores or themes to focus attention on various aspects with the intention to playfully discover or uncover the stories about us our spine is hiding.




Low Battery?

power saving mode - proposals for energy efficient coordination


  • using external forces, i.e. gravity or push-back from support surfaces or other people.

  • awareness of the various effects that a choice of vector can produce.

  • orchestrated grades of tonus (active or resting muscle tone) or elasticity thresholds.

  • ​

To stay healthy, we must move. But many of us want more than to stay in good condition. We are interested in the acquisition of uncommon skills or high-performance athleticism. Energy efficiency becomes an extremely important preoccupation in this case. A common misconception is that our movements result from the contraction and relaxation of muscles, that pull or push the bones around. If this were true, everything we did would entail a struggle against gravity and our own mass, and our prospects for energy conservation would be very low indeed. The good news however, is the potential contribution that elasticity, hydraulics and the energy of movement itself make in an organic, living system such as our bodies.

During this third week session we will discuss options and practice energy creation and conservation tactics, hopefully affording a realistic perception of the relevant motoric skills.





YouSpace - Creative Lab

Facilitation/Moderation: Frey Faust, Baris Mihci, Francesca Pedulla


This period in the NC is traditionally a moment to discover, practice, re elaborate and then share your own creative impulses or projects in a protected, informal performance context.

The Creative Lab is a space to explore tools reviewed or acquired during the NC, during your study of the Axis Syllabus or elsewhere. Your project can be performative or more installation oriented. Feel free to liberate your imagination.

If you decide to initiate or lead a project, you will be invited to develop a new idea, develop something you are already working on, or participate as an interpreter or outside eye for another participant’s project.

We will offer some cues or stimulus for generating material or supporting your process, and be on hand to offer technical assistance or counsel on composition.

There will be three “showings”. Tuesday, Thursday will be opportunities for supportive feedback, and Saturday to celebrate the NC, and share our creativity with a wider public.




Baris Mihci


Baris Mihci was born 1976 in Wuppertal, Germany and is currently based between Turkey and Europe. He graduated with degrees in social pedagogy, German language, Sports and special education for physically disabled children at the University of Cologne. He completed his studies with a social-cultural research thesis referring to Pina Bausch's Tanztheater and its artistic research about human relationships. Baris then began his dancing life. His curiosity about the art of dancing was strongly influenced by following the work of Pina Bausch for over 14 years. Coming from an athletic background, movement was always a big interest to him. In 2001 he was introduced and immersed himself in the Axis Syllabus enabling. Baris acquired a teacher's certificate after 4 years and has been teaching regularly for dancers and non-dancers alike across Europe since. He has taught at Studio Hybrid, Dancetrumjette, Espace Catastrophe, the Nomadic College, DOCH, the Cullberg Ballet among many other professional dance training institutions. Baris’ performance work is based in solo, site specific and improvisation. He has presented solos at Belgart Moment Festival, Festival tanzhautnah, RAC Festival (Brussels) among others. He has also collaborated extensively with Collectif en Transit, devoted to bringing dance to urban public spaces. Baris is a key organizer of the Nomadic College since 2004 and a member of the Axis Syllabus member assessment panel.

Since 2012 Baris is teaching workshops world-wide in schools or festivals and lives between Turkey and Europe. 


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